About Me

Hi there! I'm Jeff Liu, or Pang Liu. I'm currently pursuing Master's Degree in Computer Science at Brandeis University and also cross registered at Tufts University, after three years of work. In my previous experience, I see the remarkable impact of digital transformation and AI on financial industry, and big influence on education. I have a dream, that one day automated machines will do all repetitive works, and people can enjoy their life, focus on what they truly love.

My specialization and interests focus on: 
  • Embodied AI, Robotics
  • Reinforcement Learning Agent


Multi-Functional Cleaning Robot

This project has launched both in software and hardware fronts.  I build a turtlebot3 robot, with functions I am developing a smart cleaning robot with frontier-based exploration, path planning, route following and voice control. [->GitHub]
Map Processing Path Planning
GUI Control Voice Control
Simple AI Agent Demo

Intelligent NPC Demo

This is the prototype or demo of project "Work With Farmer Louise". The NPC know nothing at first, all skills need to be learned from player. [->GitHub]
OpenAI API Prompt Engineering Pygame

Following Line with Color-based Centroid Detection

This program can allow robot following a line and avoid obstacles.  The following logic is based on color and centroid detection. [->GitHub]
ROS1 OpenCV PID Control
Escape the Maze with Left Wall Following

Escape the Maze with Left Wall Following

This is my first project and designed at Brandeis Robotics lab.  This project is to escape the maze with left wall following algorithm. [->GitHub]
ROS1 Linux LiDAR

Reinforcement Learning for Breakout Game with DQN

This is a simple demo of training a DQN model to play the Breakout game, leveraging CUDA acceleration on GTX1660 Ti GPU. [->GitHub]
Fiducials Detection Demo

Fiducials Detection

Implemented a real-time ArUco fiducial marker detection system using computer vision techniques. [->GitHub]
Computer Vision ArUco Markers Fiducials
A Star Demo

A* Route Planner

Use open source map to implement A* route plan.  The start position is Tufts University,  and the end point is in a park near Mystic River.  No Demo, See Source Codes:  [->GitHub]
OSM C++ A*

Ichiban Lottery - A WeChat Mini Program

Tianyuan Ichiban Lottery program.

Practical Product
Requirement Analysis


Before I came to pursue MSCS degree, I have experience in Data Analytics and Project Management.
I am currently looking for a job opportunity. I am good at project-oriented work and good at doing projects.
If your team needs someone like me, just contact me!


I am currently pursuing MSCS at Brandeis University and cross registered at Tufts University.
At the same time, I studied at Udacity, which has many my interesting topics.
I love AI era! The cost of education is lower and lower, most of what I learned now is not from school!
Before this degree, I have got M.A. in Economics at Boston University.

Education Picture Education Picture